Summer Church Wedding | Lancaster, Pennsylvania | Drolet


“I’m so nervous, I haven’t eaten yet.” I saw Alexander for 3 seconds as I’m walking down the hall towards him, 10 minutes before the ceremony and those were his first words. “You need to eat something, I know it’s about to start but you really should.” But, he protested. “I’ll be okay until after the ceremony… I think.” He had been running around all morning making sure that the details at the church were perfect. Decorations were placed how Erin would want them, and checking in on family as they arrived. Their Summer Church Wedding is turning out to beautiful already.

Alexander is 3rd of 7 grandkids on my mom’s side, and it was his turn to marry his wonderful wife- Erin. They spent almost 2 years planning this wedding! It was no surprise that during that time they grew closer as a couple. The wedding was being held at their church on Lititz Pike, and less than 2 minutes from her mom’s house where the ladies were getting ready.

Erin was not far away…

Erin was not far away when I got to the church, and Alexander knew it. His nerves were starting to hit hard, but his groomsmen kept him calm & collected, joking with him as Erin got to the church. When Erin arrived Alexander was instructed to stay hidden, and she looked side to side as she was entering the church as to not walk right into his line of sight. She was greeted by his mom, dad, and siblings with hugs and excited cheers as they had their own first look with the bride.

Erin walked into the room, hidden from other guests and family as they took their seats. The only thing that stopped this moment from being absolutely perfect? Just that their Flower Girl wore bright green Minecraft shoes instead of the black ballet shoes her mom had laid out for her.

Shout out to said Flower Girl’s dad for driving back to the house, getting the right shoes, and coming back only MOMENTS before they walked down the aisle.

Have you guessed it?

My daughter was the Flower Girl.

Not even that could bring this couple down though, they had the best attitude about the events that unfolded throughout the day. So please, enjoy this Summer Church Wedding.

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