5 Reasons You Need to Book an Extended Family Session


Lets’s talk about these 5 Reasons You Need to Book an Extended Family Session! Let me guess… the last time you had your brothers & sisters together, with mom and dad and the kids was probably at your last BBQ or kid’s birthday party. Even then, you probably didn’t have everyone. The closest picture you have with everyone together probably includes a few beers? And half the family isn’t even looking at the phone you took the picture with! There’s absolute chaos in the background- I’m thinking a pool party with a few extra guests.

Maybe your family was just at a wedding and you were able to sneak a few portraits on your iPhone during the reception. Maybe a few poorly lit photos with an uncle missing? That’s what recently happened at my cousin’s wedding. We were so focused on getting the portraits that we never got the full family together for a photo!

Your parents want to remember their grandkids being young

Your parent’s pride & joy are their grandkids, I’m sure you’ve heard more than once, “Send pictures of the kids!” “How are my babies doing?” or “I miss you and the kids!” What in the whole world would be better for the grandparents than having all of their grandkids together? In one spot! I have seen tears, laughter, long hugs, and so much more from grandparents that were overwhelmed with happiness. They want to create these memories, and they want them captured even more.

Family can move around

Right now my brother lives in Idaho, my sister still lives at home with my parents finishing up high school, and my husband & I always talk about moving to Delaware. To get everyone together at this point- it’s a really big deal. If my brother & his family ever came back to Pennsylvania for a visit? I would grab my camera & call everyone to set up a time for a family portrait!

It’s easy to schedule these portraits when you have family local! When you start discussing leaving the area for a move? The first thing you should do is set up a portrait session! You won’t be together forever, and that’s okay- people are supposed to move and grow their own families. What would mom love more than to get her kids and grandkids together before her daughter moves to a new city? It gives her something to look back on, portraits to send to her friends, and pictures that she will cherish forever.

Grandparents won’t be around forever

That was hard to write out, but we all know that it’s true. My grandparents won’t be around forever either. I want nothing more than to have pictures with them while they’re still able to be present with us Especially be present with the kids. They love their grandkids, never miss a birthday, holiday, and they’re scheduling every zoom call for us together together once a week. In 2 years I don’t know where their health is going to be. In 10 years? I really can’t say.

The last thing I want to do is miss out on an opportunity with them because I thought we had more time. I’ve had family session that needed to be rescheduled because of freak accidents that no one thought could happen, and I can’t imagine losing a grandparent before we were able to take this family photo. “The biggest mistake we make in our life is thinking we have time” – Kobe Bryant

Cousins are really BFFs

Your kids have built in Best Friends- their siblings! But one step away from siblings are cousins, and they really are the best friends. Growing up my brother & I had cousins our own age, and now my sister does too- between the 7 of us we’re 27, 24, 23, 22, 16, 15, and 13! Some of us have kids and are married, some of us are living the single life, but we’re all still so close. If I had a chance to get just them into a family portrait, I would jump at that opportunity! The thing about Extended Family Sessions is that everyone gets pictures together! All the cousins, the grandparents with their grandkids, mom dad with their own kids, and so much more!

Mom & Dad want pictures of their adult kids, too

Mom & dad have watched you grow from a toddler learning to walk to an adult having your own children & growing your family. They’re proud of the person you’ve become and want to capture a photo of just their kids, and even just you. They want to compare photos, look back at them holding you when you were 4, to standing together in your 30’s. To see the growth in pictures, to document it, to have it on their dresser, send it to their friends. They want to capture moments with you and your family, and you can’t deny that those requests aren’t normal. If you think ahead to yourself in 35 years- you’re going to feel the same way about wanting to capture your children & their growing families.

So, what did you think about these 5 reasons you need to book an Extended Family Session?

Check out some of my favorite sessions here:

Central Pennsylvania Maternity Session

Sea Isle New Jersey Extended Family Session

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I'm your Margarita-loving-Lemongrass-huffing-all-day-Pj-wearing-Bob's-Burgers-Obsessed Photographer & I am so happy that you're here!

Hi there, I'm Miranda!


say no more, I've found my people!

It doesn’t matter if you’re just beginning your lives together or if you have let your love grow into a family- I adore working with clients who radiate love and happiness!

Who make the effort to nurture their relationship through good times and bad.

Couples who choose each other, day after day. As a Mother of three I understand the importance of capturing those fleeting moments that happen every day.

We work together to capture not only portraits that last a lifetime, but the legacy that you & your family create.

Serving Manheim Township & Lancaster Pennsylvania Families Looking to Create Legacy Portraits with their children

Booking a session doesn't have to be confusing, let's walk through the steps together!

What's Next?


Relationships can start at anytime, but how do we get the ball rolling? When you're ready to start making the memories only we can create together, I'm only 1 email away. While I am local to Central Pa, I travel just about anywhere!

Inquire on my website (you're already here!)

Step One

Sending a Proposal is the best way for me to learn everything about your vision & family! Through the Proposal you can decide which package is right for your family (don't worry, you can always upgrade later!)

Fill Out The Proposal

Step Two

During our session we'll be focused on your family's personality, the love shared between you, and capturing the moments that make your house a home.

HOsting Your Legacy Session

Step Three

Once your final gallery is ready on Delivery Day we'll walk you through the steps for printing your portraits and sharing them with friends & family!

Delivery Day

Step Four

Thank you!
we'll be in touch soon!