Extended Family Pictures in Central Pennsylvania have been increasing in popularity lately! People are thinking left & right of their parents & their grandparents, what kind of a gift that this is for them. That was the same story for Tori when she reached out about setting up an Extended Family Session at their absolute favorite location here in Central Pennsylvania. Trying to get a large family to color coordinate might seem like quite the task, but Tori put her coordinator hat on & pushed my Style Guide on each individual family member so that they all complimented each other. Every family has that one person- can you think of who it might be in yours?
Are you considering hosting your very own Extended Family Pictures in Central Pennsylvania? If so, you’ll need to schedule a consultation or better yet- go ahead and book so that I can bring your family’s vision to life! Keep scrolling to the bottom of this page & you’ll find the form to fill out! Once that’s done I’ll reach out to you & your family to make this happen!
The next step is to check out other portraits from Lancaster, Pennsylvania! Families that you may know, that have take advantage of the experience that you receive as a Miranda Eorio Family.
Like The Bushong Family
Or The Shaubachs
Or Even The Plumbergs!
How do you know if now is the best time for your own family portraits?
Can you answer “Yes!” to any of these questions?
- Has it been more than 2 years since your last family photos?
- Have you experienced any big life changes since your last photos?
- Do you keep saying, “That is such a fun idea- maybe we should do that!”
- Are you putting off getting pictures until you ‘lose enough weight’?
Well then, if this is you- then the right time is now to get your Family Portraits done!