Dani & Andrew | A Surprise Proposal at Longwood Gardens | Philadelphia Engagement Photographer


Andrew texted me, “We’re here” and my heart skipped a beat. I didn’t have any reason to be so nervous- he was the one proposing today, after all. “Let’s make this happen” I thought to myself. Then I tucked my phone back in my pocket, and waited for them to walk in. A surprise proposal at Longwood Gardens– I couldn’t believe it was all about to happen.

I knew he saw me when he came through the doors with Dani. I pretended to be a tourist, taking pictures of the beautiful sights that you’re greeted by as you walk in. Andrew was trying to be extra sweet the entire day, knowing that eyes would be on them at all times. Catching them sharing a kiss under an arch of lights was a highlight of the day, and I knew that he did that on purpose. I wanted to text him and say, “twirl her, now lift her!” Though that may have tipped her off, and been a little bit out of character for him.

A surprise proposal at Longwood Gardens Philadelphia Pennsylvania Miranda Eorio Photography

Another Surprise Proposal at Longwood Gardens?

After almost an hour we split up, they went grab a bite to eat while I made my way to The Gardener’s Tree to not only prep myself, but also to gather a bit of a crowd for the big moment. Imagine how shocked I was when I caught wind there would be another proposal. Not only another proposal, but one happening at the exact time & place that Andrew had planned! Quickly I texted him telling him to hold off, stall Dani, whatever you have to do. We had to make this the special moment he had been planning.

I’m so happy to announce that this couple had a magical experience, and she said yes! Now- 1 down, 1 to go.

The Moment of Truth

With the ‘Okay’ sent to Andrew they made their way down to The Gardener’s Tree, and his careful planning had paid off. I chatted with the small crowd that was gathered, they stood to the side and eagerly awaited the big moment.

“Here we go…” I whispered to them as I walked towards Andrew & Dani. They stood next to the large Christmas tree, standing over 60 feet tall, every needle practically draped in lights and ornaments, taking a picture of themselves just as we had planned.

“Excuse me, do you mind if I take a picture of you two?” The first time all day speaking to Andrew & Dani, pretending to be a complete stranger, just a passerby trying to do something nice. “Yeah, thank you!” Dani responded.

She turned to Andrew, “Masks on or off?”

“Off.” He responded.

Alright. Here we go.

Backing up, I was trying to capture the entire tree from end to end for this amazing moment. I snapped a few shots of them together. I looked at Andrew, and gave him a slight nod. “Thanks so much!” Dani was ready to walk away, but Andrew paused, and looked at her as he pulled something out from his jacket pocket.

How many times had he pulled her close that day, held her, and wondered if she would notice the box he kept so close to his heart.

As he kneeled down, she suddenly knew that this was not just any date, he was recreating their first date so that he could do something special.

Longwood Gardens Surprise Proposal Pennsylvania Wedding

She said, “Yes.”

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I'm your Margarita-loving-Lemongrass-huffing-all-day-Pj-wearing-Bob's-Burgers-Obsessed Photographer & I am so happy that you're here!

Hi there, I'm Miranda!


say no more, I've found my people!

It doesn’t matter if you’re just beginning your lives together or if you have let your love grow into a family- I adore working with clients who radiate love and happiness!

Who make the effort to nurture their relationship through good times and bad.

Couples who choose each other, day after day. As a Mother of three I understand the importance of capturing those fleeting moments that happen every day.

We work together to capture not only portraits that last a lifetime, but the legacy that you & your family create.

Serving Manheim Township & Lancaster Pennsylvania Families Looking to Create Legacy Portraits with their children

Booking a session doesn't have to be confusing, let's walk through the steps together!

What's Next?


Relationships can start at anytime, but how do we get the ball rolling? When you're ready to start making the memories only we can create together, I'm only 1 email away. While I am local to Central Pa, I travel just about anywhere!

Inquire on my website (you're already here!)

Step One

Sending a Proposal is the best way for me to learn everything about your vision & family! Through the Proposal you can decide which package is right for your family (don't worry, you can always upgrade later!)

Fill Out The Proposal

Step Two

During our session we'll be focused on your family's personality, the love shared between you, and capturing the moments that make your house a home.

HOsting Your Legacy Session

Step Three

Once your final gallery is ready on Delivery Day we'll walk you through the steps for printing your portraits and sharing them with friends & family!

Delivery Day

Step Four

Thank you!
we'll be in touch soon!