Culling Your Website Portfolio To Bring In Clients


Have you struggled with what portraits to put on your website? Wondering if maybe this image is the best, or maybe 10 more from the same family? Let’s chat about how we can start culling your website portfolio to bring in clients!

Diversity In Posing

So the first one is gonna we’re going to talk about diversity in posing. Your website should include families or individuals with different posing that shows off your skills as a photographer. You don’t want three pictures back to back inside of your portfolio where the families are doing the same thing. If they’re all standing in a field or they’re all in that traditional pose your potential clients won’t love to see that. We want it to be really diverse so that your potential clients know everything that you have to offer and your skill as a photographer.

Diversity in Families

The second one is gonna be the diversity in families. We want different families back to back and maybe only two or three of the images from the same family within your entire portfolio because you want your potential clients to know that you worked with a multitude of different families. You don’t want them seeing your portfolio, looking at two families and thinking, okay, well, why have only two families trusted her or him to capture like these portraits for them? They want to see that you have that experience as a photographer.

Uniform Editing

Finally, we want the diversity in the posing. We want diversity in families. We do not want diversity when it comes to editing. Everything should look relatively like it’s from the same exact gallery. You want your editing style to be pretty uniform throughout your entire website. When you do that, you’re showing your clients that you not only understand editing, but when they hire you, they know exactly what they’re getting. They’re seeing something on your website that’s really warm and sun shining, and then they have that same type of session with you and then they get something that’s just really cool, and the colors are just completely off balanced. So we want that similarity and uniformity in editing all throughout your website.

Wrapping Up

So again, diversity in posing, diversity in clients, no diversity in editing. As a client, I want be hiring somebody who understands posing, working with larger families, has the experienced. With using those three things throughout your website, you’re going to be able to give your potential clients all of that, and they’re going to start trusting you as their photographer immediately. Have you struggled with what portraits to put on your website? Wondering if maybe this image is the best, or maybe 10 more from the same family?Are you ready to start culling your website portfolio to bring in clients!

So if you want to personalize, edit, audit for your website, you can sign up for a complimentary website audit! Once you sign up we can chat about what your website has, what it should have, and I’ll send you a personalized Loom video and everything that comes with it just to make your website more appealing to your potential clients.

Let’s Get Your A Complimentary Website Audit!

Ready for 1:1 Coaching? Schedule Your Coaching Call with me here! Don’t worry- there are virtual and in person options that offer a variety of different tools that allow you to walk away feeling confident & ready raising your prices.

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Meet Miranda

I did everything I wasn't supposed to do! I gave away 100+ images, offered 30 minute sessions, went over my allotted time for EVERY family, and never upsold a single image.

Now, I'm booking my calendar faster than ever, keeping to my 15 minutes per family while serving them well, not feeling overwhelmed or stressed, and upselling more than 50% of my galleries!

After years of doing it all wrong, I finally figured out how to do it right.

Minis offer cash injections that are amazing for me and my family!

Especially around the holidays, what I make from Mini Sessions pays for my entire family's Christmas!

Gifts, Christmas dinner, additional décor- this is entirely funded by my own Mini Sessions!

Sharing this information and allowing others to support their family is my main reason for doing this!

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